Privacy Policy
Welcome to the Kendallville Coworking privacy policy. We know that you take your privacy seriously and we want you to know that we do too. Before voluntarily submitting any of your information to us we strongly recommend you read through this policy.
1. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. Via this website, as well as our social media channels, we collect voluntarily submitted information such as your name, email, phone number, company name and any other information you choose to submit to us.
We also may use cookies/tracking technology on this site to identify certain visitor information. This technology does not track personal information, however if you have voluntarily submitted personal information in the past it may be tied to these technology services. This information may be submitted to third parties.
2. We collect this information to improve our communications and sales efforts with interested parties. We also utilize this information to improve our marketing and advertising strategies. We do not utilize personal information in our marketing and advertising unless you have voluntarily approved our ability to do so.
3. We do not submit any tracking or personal information to any third parties for marketing or profit. When necessary we may distribute information to government agencies when required by law.
4. We utilize what we determine are the best possible practices available to us to keep your information secure. Only Kendallville Coworking employees and authorized partners are allowed access to this information.
5. If you have any questions about why, how or when we collect data, please contact us via the following methods:
phone: 260-777-0773
or in writing at:
Kendallville Coworking
231 South Main Street, Kendallville, Indiana, 46755